(310) 818-7104



Venus Dimplesin Los Angeles, CA

Your body is already beautiful

But sometimes, it can be the seemingly small details that make you feel your sexiest. Enhancing your Venus dimples with Kybella can do just that. At Marina MedSpa, we specialize in helping people look and feel their absolute best. We focus on offering the safest and most effective non- and minimally-invasive treatments the world has to offer. When you visit our Medspa in Los Angeles Venus Dimples are a way we can help you achieve your ideal, perfect back, to make you feel like the sexiest you!

What are Venus Dimples?

Many parts of the body can enhance feelings of sexiness. While most attention is directed to the breasts, abdomen, buttocks, and legs, many women find that getting their back in its fittest form makes a big difference in how they feel.

So-called Venus dimples are the symmetrical indentations that naturally occur in the lower back just above the waist. They’re formed by the joining of the spine and pelvis and are typically visible in most adults. However, excess fat can sometimes deposit in this area, minimizing or obscuring their desired appearance. Kybella — a treatment typically used to dissolve fat in the neck — can reduce fat in the lower back, enhancing the appearance of Venus dimples.

Venus Dimples with Kybella Los Angeles
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How do I know if a Venus Dimple Treatment is right for me?

These treatments can be useful for anyone who wants to augment the look of their existing Venus dimples. However, using Kybella to enhance Venus dimples may not be suitable for everyone. Because Kybella doesn’t prevent new fat from forming, this treatment tends to work best in patients who are at their goal weight and have successfully maintained it for several months. Candidates should not have an infection in the treated area.

Treatments with Kybella are not recommended for anyone who has any major medical conditions, including heart disease, liver and blood-related problems, is pregnant (or is planning to become pregnant), or is breastfeeding. It is essential that you inform your cosmetic care provider about any medication you take, including vitamins or supplements. Such substances can interfere with your blood’s ability to clot and can cause complications. When you come in for a consultation at Marina MedSpa, we’ll discuss all of these topics with you and answer any questions you may have. Our goal is to set your mind at ease and give you the highest-quality, compassionate care you deserve.

Venus Dimple Augmentation Procedure & Recovery

The procedure itself is relatively quick and painless. Most treatments can be performed in less than 30 minutes, although the exact procedure will vary according to your treatment plan. Once in the treatment room, you’ll lie comfortably on your stomach. Your aesthetic professional will then clean your skin and apply a light anesthetic to numb the treatment area.

Then, they will make one or more injections of Kybella into the subdermal fat under each of your Venus dimples. Because the desire is to enhance the appearance of the dimples, the goal in this step is to precisely treat the fat under the dimples and not disperse the effects to the surrounding tissue. Following the treatment, you’ll be given instructions on how to properly care for the treated area. Some slight pain, redness, or swelling may occur at the injection sites, but this should be minor and resolve on its own.

Venus Dimples Los Angeles
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Venus Dimple Augmentation Results

After receiving a treatment to augment your Venus Dimples Los Angeles patients should begin to see results by six to eight weeks. Many patients are satisfied after just one treatment, but multiple treatments can be used if necessary. Each patient’s body is unique, so results may vary as well. Barring unexpected weight gain or excess deposits of fat, you should be able to enjoy your results for the long term.

Schedule your Venus Dimple Augmentation consultation with Marina MedSpa today

Do you want to highlight your sexiness by enhancing your Venus dimples? Call us at (310) 818-7104 or click here to request your appointment at Marina MedSpa today. We can’t wait to help you get the sexy, shapely body you’ve been dreaming of!


Schedule your consultation with one of our aesthetic specialists and discover why so many people become our Patients for Lifeâ„¢ after their first treatments at Marina Medspa.

Experience the difference that comes with treatment at one of the nation’s most forward-thinking aesthetic institutions. We provide exceptional care and innovative procedures to ensure great results. It’s why our patients keep coming back to us.

4560 Admiralty Way Suite 256, Marina Del Rey, CA

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