(310) 818-7104



Restylane in Los Angeles, CA

Fight The Signs Of Aging

It’s common to notice more lines and wrinkles as we age. Time can leave the skin on our face and hands thinner and less vibrant, looking less like the healthy, energetic person we are.

But there are practical answers to these problems that don’t require surgery — including the Restylane line of products. Our clinic features all of the best, proven methods of fighting back against the signs of aging. At Marina MedSpa, we specialize in the most advanced non- and minimally-invasive treatments, like Restylane, Los Angeles has to offer. Contact us today to take the next step toward living your best, most beautiful life!

What is Restylane?

The Restylane Collection is a line of hyaluronic acid-based dermal fillers used to rejuvenate the appearance of aged and damaged skin. Skin deteriorates due to a combination of internal, genetic factors and environmental stressors like sun exposure and lifestyle.

These conditions conspire to diminish your skin’s ability to heal itself and produce healthy compounds. Dermal fillers like Restylane work two ways: they plump and fill in sunken areas while also stimulating the body’s production of collagen and elastin. This provides immediate improvement in skin texture and promotes the growth of healthy skin long-term.

Los Angeles Restylane model wearing a hat
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Am I a Good Candidate for Restylane?

Restylane products are FDA-approved and have been proven to be safe and effective. Still, the best candidates for these treatments are people who fully understand the process and have realistic expectations for their outcome. Generally, Restylane candidates are in overall good health & don’t have any major medical concerns like heart disease, diabetes, or cancer. You should wait to use Restylane until any acute or temporary conditions (like infections, rashes, acne breakouts) are healed.

You should make sure your aesthetic professional is aware of your complete medical history, including any medications or supplements you’re taking and any allergies you have. Also, it is important to disclose if you are pregnant or breastfeeding as that can carry risks. If you have a history of scarring problems or pigmentation disorders, make sure you let us know. The same applies if you are planning other cosmetic treatments so we can ensure they won’t interfere with each other. We always recommend you consult your primary care physician before undergoing any elective cosmetic treatment.

How do I know if Restylane is right for me?

The Restylane line of products can treat a variety of adverse skin conditions, and each dermal filler is precisely formulated to address different concerns.

  • Restylane Lyft — targets wrinkles in the face, cheeks, and the backs of the hands
  • Restylane L — for use against moderate to severe wrinkles and creases on the face
  • Restylane Refyne — softens lines around the nose and mouth (laugh and marionette lines)
  • Restylane Defyne — fills deep laugh lines and refines chin contours
  • Restylane Silk — augments lips and smooths lines around the mouth
  • Restylane Kysse — plumps and redefines the lips

For more details and to find out if you are a candidate for Restylane Los Angeles patients are encouraged to contact Marina MedSpa to schedule a consultation.

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Restylane Procedure

Once your treatment plan has been finalized, your treatment will be performed as an outpatient procedure at our Marina MedSpa in Los Angeles.

Most Restylane treatments are completed in less than an hour. Your aesthetic professional will begin by applying a topical or local anesthetic to ensure your comfort. They will then inject your Restylane product at the appropriate depth and volume. Usually, they will make a series of injections around the targeted region to ensure balanced, even results.

Restylane Recovery

Most of our Los Angeles Restylane patients experience a relatively quick and painless recovery. There may be some swelling, redness, and tenderness around the injection sites in the first few days following your treatment. These are usually mild and dissipate on their own. It will be important to protect the treated area from exposure to heat and sunlight as it heals.

You should also generally avoid strenuous exercise for the first 48 hours. Some patients notice that the shape of their contours changes slightly over the first week, but this is normal as the filler settles and your body adjusts to its presence. In most cases, patients have fully recovered within a month of their treatment.

Restylane Results

Once your recovery is complete, you should notice a marked improvement in the appearance of the treated area. Sunken places should look full and healthy, and the prominence of wrinkles and creases should be reduced or eliminated.

You can expect results from Restylane to last at least six months, but they may persist for up to two years. Their duration will heavily depend on your body’s unique interaction with your dermal filler and your lifestyle. Remember that every person’s body reacts differently to treatment with Restylane, so your results may vary.

Schedule your consultation for Restylane in Los Angeles today

Come see the difference Restylane dermal fillers could make in your life! The aesthetic providers at Marina MedSpa are ready and eager to show you how you may be able to take years off your appearance in as little as one visit to our Los Angeles clinic. (310) 818-7104 or click here to request your appointment. You can reclaim your youth and look as beautiful as you feel today!

Los Angeles Plastic Surgeon Dr. Grant Stevens
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Schedule your consultation with one of our aesthetic specialists and discover why so many people become our Patients for Lifeâ„¢ after their first treatments at Marina Medspa.

Experience the difference that comes with treatment at one of the nation’s most forward-thinking aesthetic institutions. We provide exceptional care and innovative procedures to ensure great results. It’s why our patients keep coming back to us.

4560 Admiralty Way Suite 256, Marina Del Rey, CA

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